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Blogr-AMP for Social Shares

Blogr-AMP for Social Shares
Theme Version: 1-0-0 & below...

Replacing default Blogger template social share buttons, Blogr-AMP Blogger template uses AMP HTML amp-social-share components & amp-social-share tags to let users share to most popular social media platforms easily.

By default, amp-social-share components has pre-configured the necessary page metadata for sharing to social media websites, which includes page images, URL & title.

However, non pre-configured social media platforms needs additional attributes, which Blogr-AMP Blogger AMP template already equipped with.

Add AMP Social Share Button Blogger Template AMPHTML


Template HTML - Blog1

<b:includable id='post-shares'>

  • Displays amp-social-share buttons below contents/posts


<amp-social-share type='twitter'/>
<amp-social-share data-param-app_id='1234567890123456' type='facebook'/>
<amp-social-share type='gplus'/>
<amp-social-share type='pinterest'/>
<amp-social-share type='linkedin'/>
<amp-social-share type='email'/>
<amp-social-share data-share-endpoint='whatsapp://send' expr:data-param-text='data:blog.pageTitle + &quot; - &quot; + data:blog.canonicalUrl' type='whatsapp'/>

Replace data-param-app_id values with Facebook App ID created at Facebook Apps webpage.

Styles (pre-assigned)

.post-shares {
  text-align: center;
  margin:16px 0;

amp-social-share { 
  background-size: 28px auto; 

Useful Reference

Blogr-AMP Blogger AMP HTML TemplateRated 5/5 based on 98 reviewsDisplay AMP social share buttons pre-configured sharing blog posts or pages to most used & favorite social media platforms with self extracted Blogr-AMP template page meta data which includes post image, post URL & page titleBlogr-AMP: Blogr-AMP for Social Shares
5/ 5
Best AMP Blogger template, Blogr-AMP exceeded my expectations. Search engine friendly, easy to use, backed by great support Replacing default Blogger template social share buttons, Blogr-AMP Blogger template uses AMP HTML amp-social-share components & amp-soc....

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